The COVID-19 pandemic impacted tremendously the safety and wellbeing of LGBTI people in Bulgaria. In the context of increasing labor market crisis, the discrimination against LGBTI people seems to be increasing as well, leaving many without any income to cover their most basic needs of food, medicine and roof over their heads. In times of crisis, we turn to our families for support, but many LGBTI people don’t have this privilege, because they’re being casted out by their families. This is where the community steps in.

In these difficult times, Bilitis Foundation has made the effort to create an LGBTI Humanitarian Fund and is currently providing food and medicine coupons, as well as funds for housing costs for LGBTI people in need. Everyone who is part of the community and has very low or no income at all, is living in poverty and in risk of homelessness can apply to the fund and receive support.

If you wish to support the fund, any amount of donation is more than welcome! Make your donation here and spread the word!