LGBTI families

The project aimed to raise awareness of LGBTI activists and institutions dealing with human rights, justice, social, educational and health policies about existing legal and social problems of LGBTI families. In doing so, it laid the foundation for a future advocacy strategy to address the identified needs of LGBTI families and eliminate discrimination against them.

Aims: The main objective was to raise awareness of two target groups: 1) the LGBTI community and allies (NGOs in support of LGBTI equality)
and 2) public institutions: institutions dealing with discrimination (Commission for Protection against Discrimination – CPD, Ministry of Justice, Ombudsman) and other ministries, developing policies in the social, educational and health fields.

In 2016, Bilitis conducted a qualitative survey on the situation of LGBTI families in Bulgaria. In the beginning of 2017, a report will be published in the form of a book aimed at filling an important information gap. The study raises questions about the typical challenges and violations of human rights that LGBTI families face, and their expectations for changes in the legal framework that will improve their situation.
The study is based on semi-structured interviews with LGBTI families from different Bulgarian cities.